Saturday, April 12, 2008

Autism Book Review: The Official Autism 101 Manual

The Official Autism 101 Manual

Created and compiled by Karen L. Simmons

Winner 1st place Gold Medal in Medication, Health and Nutrition at the 11th Annual IPPY Awards Competition presentation during Book Expo 2007

Author Karen Simmons is the mother of six, two with special needs, and one of those with Aspergers. She is the founder and CEO of Autism Today, which is a world leader in providing resources for Autism. Also a speaker and conference coordinator in this field, she was a perfect candidate for the creation of this book, which just received a prestigious gold medal for outstanding content through the independent Publishers Book Awards in new York coming in ahead of Stem Cell Repair and The Type II diabetes Crisis in America Today.

An authority herself by world standards, Simmons has pulled together 44 of the foremost experts and caregivers n the field of Autism to compile this manual, covering everything from early diagnosis to, how to cope; from the apparent rise in Autistic Spectrum disorders to treatment methodologies; and from historical perspectives to planning for the future Simmons’ own story is both heartwarming and life affirming. To find out about all the areas she has become successfully involved in, you might think she is Superwoman and in a way she is. But first and foremost she is a mother with the maternal instincts of a tiger and the heart of a lion.

I was not always the supportive patient mother I wanted to be. Don’t get me wrong, I think I’ve been a great mum for my aspie – there are things I’ve understood that only he and I know, and as a result, we are very connected. But not understanding my own challenges made it difficult to be patient with his, and when the stress levels got too high for either one of us, there were explosions! Over the years I’ve taken great personal strides in learning to love our oddities. We’ve had to learn to do a lot of things through trial and error – ultimately that’s what we all do anyway. But what a gift to have the Autism 101 Manual! Now trial and error doesn’t need to feel like flailing around in the dark. Take a one-step-at-a-time approach to using the tools that have worked for others, knowing there is an arsenal of support and information available.

So, either you’ve just found out your child is autistic, or you’ve been plugging along trying to find the time and energy to gather all the information you need. Where do you go? How do you start? These are important questions that are answered here, but more than that, the brief yet complete descriptions of autistic behaviours, resources, and anecdotal illustrations of family life with an autistic are the threads that connect those who are still confused, to a very real world of hope and support.

The Official Autism 101 Manual is your ultimate resource for understanding and responding to autism as a parent or a professional. Only this master collection brings you the very latest ideas and insights from the authors and experts you already trust plus many new voices you can now hear for the first time. With 44 contributors, you learn from dozens of caring experts and supporters who bring you the best the autism community has to offer.

For details about this authoritative book on autism go to the Autism Today website now!

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